Welcome Lottery Players... Join a Winning Business

Lottery pools increase your chances of sharing in a lottery jackpot and the concept has a proven track record. Families, friends, and co-workers participate in group play every week. Members of The Lottery Alliance and Xzotto increase their chances to win cash. Players who use the Xzotto Team Management Software to pool increase their chances to share in $multi-million$ jackpots several times each week.

It is, however, Xzotto's unique opportunity to build a business generating residual income that truly makes XZotto powerful and profitable. This lottery team management software is a dynamic resource that will help you set up and manage your team of players as well as build a profitable business in a $225 Billion worldwide market. As an Independent Marketing Representative (IMR), players have the flexibility to pool with family, friends, and business associates anywhere in the world, while building a profitable business. With 10+ years of successful team building and profitable network marketing, I created a Simple Success System to provide a Win-Win opportunity for both lottery players and entrepreneurs.

So, don't just play to win, Plan to Win!

Monday, August 17, 2009

BIG Lottery Jackpots Total $415 Million

It never ceases to amaze me that people don't realize how simple it is for them to increase their chances to win a share of a multi-million dollar lottery jackpot with Xzotto. It is so simple to have hundreds of chances each week by sharing this unique method of lottery pooling with a few other lotto enthusiasts.

I will be VERY happy if somebody on my team wins the $170 million Mega Millions jackpot on Tuesday night because that guarantees them 50 percent of the jackpot and guarantees me and nine other teammates a 5 percent share! JUST 5 percent... Is that worth the effort?

Well, let's see. Xzotto uses the Cash Option when purchasing tickets for team members, which means the prize is paid immediately instead of with a 25 year annuity. The cash option for the jackpot of $170 Million is a mere $106.1 million. After the government takes 30 percent in taxes, the 11 winners will have about $75 million to share. With Xzotto's game plan, the member who selected the winning numbers will get 50 percent of the prize or $37.5 million.

Ten other Xzotto team members will each get a 5 percent share of $75 million which gives the other players a total of $1, 875,000.00 each with the taxes already paid. That's not too shabby.

Once you understand that the Xzotto Team Management System allows you to build a team with which you can share a five percent interest in hundreds and even thousands of chances EVERY Drawing, then you will join the thousands who play the smart way.

If you want to learn more about how Xzotto can increase your chances to win money every drawing, then start by going to The Lottery Alliance to register for 100 FREE Chances in our next lottery pool. Watch the brief overview, online, and then join the fun and plan to win!

Thursday, May 28, 2009

One Ticket Beats the Odds for $232 Million Win

Hello Winners,

We had some small winning number combinations in the drawing last night, and there was only one BIG WINNER for the jackpot, which grew to $232 Million.

Numbers fascinate me and there are some interesting statistics from the drawing last night that demonstrate that lottery drawings are random and completely unpredictable. For instance, there were 1,682,843 winning tickets in the drawing last night, and we had several winning combinations – small winners, but winners nonetheless. The 1,682,843 winning combinations include all the tickets that get money for matching only the Powerball, along with the tickets that have the Powerball plus another number, as well as all the tickets that had three or more matching numbers.

Of the 1,682,843 winners, 12 tickets matched 5 primary balls for a $200,000 prize. Matching four primary balls and the Powerball, however, only pays a $10,000 prize.

The jackpot winning numbers were 5-6-12-16-21 with 7 as the Powerball.

The state with the MOST winning number combinations for last night's drawing was Florida with 256,217 prizes. The jurisdiction with the least Powerball winners was the Virgin Islands with 1,427.

The MOST interesting statistic for me last night is the fact that the ONE JACKPOT TICKET was sold in South Dakota, which had 250,000 fewer winning tickets than Florida. South Dakota had only a total of 7,475 winning tickets in the entire state. That one jackpot ticket for $232 Million, however, will boost the sales in South Dakota for the next few drawings. South Dakota ranks number 34 in total sales among the 44 lottery states and sold just $704 million of lottery tickets last year.

Florida, on the other hand, sold $4.1 Billion of lottery tickets and ranks #2 in sales behind New York, which sold $7.5 Billion of lottery tickets in 2008. New York is one of the 12 Mega Millions states and Florida added Powerball to its lottery mix in January of this year to become the 32nd lottery jurisdiction to join the Multi-State Lottery Association, which oversees the Powerball game.

So, in retrospect, we did not win THIS TIME, but you have to grin when you think about the life-changing event for a person or group of people in SOUTH DAKOTA of all places. South Dakota is surrounded by other Powerball states, so you don't have lots of people crossing borders to buy tickets like we do in Texas (a Mega Millions state) with all the players traveling to border towns in New Mexico, Oklahoma and Louisiana to buy Powerball tickets.

However, the Southwest corner of South Dakota does share a border with Northeast Wyoming, which has no lottery games within the state, at all. It would be great to see a Wyoming rancher win - a cowboy, perhaps, who went into South Dakota to buy some feed and gear, who stopped to get gas and bought one Powerball ticket. That, my friends, is the unpredictability of this game called lottery. I will keep you posted on the winner(s) when it is announced, but you may see it on the news before I get the information to you. It is a very big win for somebody.

In any event, we keep on, keeping on, and we start a NEW Mega Millions Pool on Friday with a $35 Million jackpot. And, since some of our players have already made contributions, we will also begin a NEW 4-draw Powerball Pool, as well.

We will take our winnings from the Powerball Pool that ended last night and purchase tickets for a Bonus Draw on Saturday. So, even if you don't send money for the New Pool, you will still have dogs in the hunt for the $20 Million PB Jackpot on Saturday if you contributed to the last Powerball Pool.

Lastly, if you are not yet in Xzotto and learning how you can win prize money EVERY Drawing while increasing your chances to win a five percent share of a jackpot, then you need to call me or email me to discover how simple it is to build a winning team.

Remember, even though jackpot numbers are unpredictable, the Power of Numbers is VERY predictable and we have players winning prize money every drawing. You can be a winner every drawing. Let numbers work for you. Why not you? Why not now?

Don't just play to win, PLAN to Win!

Be a Winner... Kevin

PS: Please update your contact information. I keep this confidential, but I would like to be able to reach you WHEN WE WIN our jackpot... email your name, email address, a zip code and country name, along with the best phone number to reach you… send your information to info@lotteryalliance.com... thanks

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Player Buys 10,000 Quick Picks Saturday Morning

Recently, the store owner where I buy the chances for our lottery pool told me that an older gentlman she knew came in on Saturday morning to purchase some tickets for a sizeable jackpot draw later that evening.

The man put $10,000 in cash on the counter and told Angela that he wanted 10,000 quick picks. Angela knew the man did not have a shortage of cash, so after asking him if he really wanted 10,000 quick picks... she and her sister began running the lottery machine. Three hours later, the man walked out with 10,000 chances for one drawing later that evening.

I had purchased 100 chances for our lottery poolers for the same lottery draw that night. Our pool came within ONE NUMBER of winning a $47 Million jackpot with one of our hundred chances. Close, however, does not count for the jackpot, so we won about $3,600.

The man who purchased $10,000 worth of lottery tickets won only $1,000 - a $9,000 loss within a 24-hour period.

Xzotto and The Lottery Alliance provide a much smarter way to play the lottery. There is no reason to lose money, at all! As a matter of fact, we have developed a unique system so that lottery enthusiasts can win money every drawing.

Discover how you can increase your chances to win money with the lottery without increasing your out-of-pocket expense to play. To encourage you to find out more about this Simple Success System, I will give you 100 FREE Lottery Chances. Just go to the following link and watch the brief FLASH Presentation and complete the form.

CLICK HERE To Get Your 100 FREE Lottery Chances

It's that easy. So, Don't Just Play to Win, PLAN to Win!

Monday, February 23, 2009

The Lottery Office Pool

Most people seem to understand the concept of an office lottery pool, but many players can't seem to grasp that with the world-wide web and an international network marketing business, an entrepreneur's "office" is anywhere in the world where he or she may have a family member, friend, or business associate.

The internet makes it so much easier to pool with other players, which gives everyone more chances to win a share of a multi-million dollar lottery jackpot. The two, largest multi-state lottery games in North America have huge amounts up for grabs this week.

Mega Millions draws Tuesday night, 2/24/09, for a $145,000,000 jackpot. Powerball draws the next evening, 2/25/09, for a $150,000,000. Even with dozens of people in our pool, each person will be able to walk away with more than a million dollars in winnings, and that is "after taxes" are taken out.

Still people don't always understand how the simple concept of pooling with other players increase their chances to win a share of a lottery jackpot. So, here is a simple explanation: If you play $5.00 yourself by going into a store and buying five chances, then you have five chances to win, let's say, $100 million. However, when you contribute that same $5.00 into a pool with 19 other players dreaming to win the same $100 million jackpot, you now have 100 chances to win and not just the five you would get playing alone.

Yes, you have to share. In this example, with each of the 20 people contributing the same amount of $5.00 to the lottery pool, the ownership share for each player will be a five percent interest in the winnings. This breaks down to $5 million to each of the 20 players in the lottery pool that wins a $100 million jackpot.

The question players have to answer for themselves is this: "Would I prefer to win a share of a multi-million dollar lottery jackpot or win nothing?", which is what most people win whenever they play lotto alone. With more and more lottery enthusiasts playing as a group, we are seeing more and more lottery pool winners. It makes perfect sense and pooling is the smart way to play if you have a sharing attitude.

With the growth of Xzotto, the most fun and profitable way to play the lottery, it is obvious that most people would rather win a little bit of something, rather than 100 percent of nothing. And, many Xzotto independent marketing representatives have already discovered the fun of winning something every drawing - even if it is not the big jackpot - it is still money in the bank. Xzotto IMRs are excited about all those little "cha-chings" into their virtual wallets and know that it is only a matter of time before someone in the group wins a jackpot.

Discover how you can increase YOUR chances to win the lottery at either The Lottery Alliance or Xzotto, where we don't just play to win, we PLAN to Win!

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Lottery Players Unite! Law Is On Our Side

Once again, the power of pooling takes center stage, along with a Powerball Lottery Jackpot of $163.2 Million dollars that was claimed in Indiana by Ohio residents. Pooling proves to be the smart way to play the lottery, but how did they do that? How did Cincinnati, Ohio residents win a lottery in Indiana?

Well, let's look at how Xzotto and The Lottery Alliance got its start by first looking at a little history of out-of-state winners. The explanation is simple enough. Winners of this Indiana Powerball jackpot live in Cincinnati, Ohio, which is a Mega Millions state. Time and time again lotteries throughout the states keep paying groups of people who pool their money in one jurisdiction, have a designated team member travel with funds into another state or even another country and purchase tickets for the group. When the group wins, the lottery pays - just like a slot machine... except with lot's more money more often than not.

The Lottery Alliance, Xzotto and the XzottoLotto Alliance were created as a result of a lottery jackpot win with similar circumstances to the huge jackpot win on January 17, 2009 in Indiana by Ohio residents. My brainstorm came in 1999. I was living in Houston, TX and the daily paper, The Houston Chronicle, ran an article about 11 Oklahoma farmers who won a Texas Lotto Jackpot. Yeah, it was big news and the headline read:

Texas Lottery Commission Harvests
$23 Million Cash Crop From Lotto Texas
For Winning Oklahoma Farmers

I thought to myself, how in the world does a group of Okies get away with taking cash from our Texas Lottery. The story went on to say that the farmers, who conducted business with a John Deere tractor representative from Texas on the morning of their jackpot win, had each contributed $10 to their pool in hope their John Deere rep would take their money and buy tickets for the farmers' group.

The farmers made the request of the John Deere tractor rep after he finished a presentation of new equipment and just before he began his journey back into the Lone Star State. The John Deer rep said that he had planned to buy his own tickets that day, anyway, when he returned home to Texas. So, instead, he told the farmers that he would take their $110, add $10 of his own money and buy 120 Texas Lotto chances after he crossed the border.

Bottom Line: The 11 farmers and the John Deere tractor rep won that $23 million Lotto Texas jackpot on the August 28, 1999.

Some Texas lottery enthusiasts were grumbling about the money going out of state, including me, but the Texas Lottery was taking those lemons and turning it into public relations lemonade, as illustrated in the excerpt below from the lottery's news release.

Texas Lottery Commissioner Tom Clowe of Waco said, "This country was built on the backs of struggling farmers, and I can't think of a more deserving group to become Texas' newest millionaires." Clowe presented the ceremonial winning check to the farmers at the Texas Lottery's headquarters in Austin.

The Lottery's news release did inject a bit of humor with the following quote: When asked if playing the Lottery was a better bet than farming, one of the winning farmers laughed and replied, "At least with the Lottery, you have a chance."

And even though I was upset, at the time, that some Oklahoma farmers had won MY Texas jackpot, it did plant the seed to what has become known as Xzotto and The Lottery Alliance, an allied group dedicated to helping its members win a share of lottery prize money every drawing.

Below, are some of the factors regarding the farmers' lottery jackpot win and the new Millionaires in Ohio that stimulated the eventual launch of our online lottery pooling system.
  1. The farmers did not reside in the lottery jurisdiction in which they won a jackpot. Likewise, the Ohio residents who won the $163.2 Million Powerball jackpot claimed in Indiana do not live in the lottery jurisdiction from which they claimed their millions of dollars. This illustrates that you and I do not have to live in a jurisdiction to win a share of a lottery. You can join Xzotto and The Lottery Alliance no matter where you may happen to live in the world.
  2. The state of Oklahoma, at the time of the farmers' jackpot win on August 28, 1999, did not have a state-sanctioned lottery. The state of Oklahoma has since started its own state lottery and has joined the multi-state game of Powerball. The Ohio group of winners live in a jurisdiction that does participate in the multi-state game of Mega Millions, however, they had somebody "travel" with their money into another jurisdiction to purchase the Powerball lottery tickets from an Indiana Lottery retailer. So, this makes it obvious that you can contribute to a pool in order to play in a lottery game even though you, personally, do not live in the jurisdiction in whose lottery you participate.
  3. The lotteries do not seem to care who wins as long as the tickets were purchased according to the laws and statutes of the jurisdiction in which the lottery tickets are acquired. Lotteries do not care if you live in Indiana or India, London, Ontario or London, UK. It is simple and straightfoward. The tickets must be purchased by a person of legal age - usually 18 to 21 in most jurisdictions - and the chances must be obtained from an authorized lottery retailer that is sanctioned by the lottery jurisdiction from which the tickets are purchased. That's it.

The initial seed for Xzotto and The Lottery Alliance group play has now sprouted as a result of those 11 Oklahoma farmers. There have been many seasons pass since that harvest and there has been much toil and labor bringing us to this point. Now, however, it is time to spread the word and sow the seed to lottery enthusiasts around the world that the power of Xzotto, along with The Lottery Alliance will bring forth a replenishing harvest of green cash to benefit all the good works performed by the lotteries and promote the financial fruits of all our members...

There is tremendous abundance with this $225 billion worldwide lottery market, so get in the game.

Plan to Win, and win, again and again

Copyright 2009, Kevin Venner, All Rights Reserved

Use of the preceding post and all material published herewith is allowed only with links back to this blog and The Lottery Alliance

Monday, January 19, 2009

One Number From Winning A Million Dollar Jackpot!

One number from winning a million dollars - after tax! That's right. On Wednesday, 01/14/09, our group of 24 lottery players came within just one digit of winning the $47 million jackpot. You can read the details at the following URL: http://www.lotteryalliance.com/winners.html

It was a good learning experience in several ways. First of all, I discovered that even though the state of California is ready, willing and able... no, downright eager to take your dollars for the purchase of a lottery ticket. The state is not so eager to pay out money to players whenever they win a prize totaling more than $600. For lottery prize money up to $599, players can quickly and easily collect from any authorized, lottery retailer in the state. This is, pretty much, the standard within the lottery industry.

However, for prize money totaling more than $600, the state of California makes a player complete a form and wait 4-to-6 weeks to receive a check. This is absurd! Our team matched 4-of-5 numbers in the primary group, along with matching the Mega Ball in the SuperLOTTO Plus game. The pari-mutuel payout was $2,644 for the prize bracket in which we won. In this drawing, alone, the state of California had already collected millions of dollars in cash from players because retailers don't take credit cards for lottery play.

The cash is ALREADY in the hands of the state, which collects millions each week, remember. Still, they make players wait 4-to-6 weeks for prize money. WHY? It's called "float." The state of California gets to use our money to earn interest while the players wait to get their rightful winnings, which, by the way totaled $1,063,249.00 in total prize money won in the SuperLOTTO Plus game on 01/14/09.

After researching North American lotteries for more than 8 years, I also know that about five percent of the winnings - roughly $53,162.45 - will never be collected by winners because many owners lose their tickets, accidentally throw them away, forget about them, or wash them into oblivion, so nobody collects. I have seen jackpots of $20 million dollars and more go uncollected because somebody misplaced a winning ticket. OUCH... I would hate to find a winning ticket for a jackpot after the time deadline had passed. This is normally 180 days, 6 months. The states are not sympathetic and would simply say, "Sorry, that's the rule." And, it would keep the money.

So, under these circumstances, when the team members in the pool are wanting to roll the winnings into more chances - unless the team captain (me) can cover the winnings and wait 4-to-6 weeks for the prize money, the players have to wait for their chances.

This makes no sense because if nobody wins the jackpot, the players want their chances, bought with prize money, immediately because the jackpot rolled up to a higher amount. In 4-to-6 weeks, most likely, somebody else has walked away with the prize while many players are waiting for money that should be paid via a check on the SAME DAY the winning ticket is presented to a regional lottery office. I have collected amounts in the $2,500 range in two other states and it took less than an hour to get a check.

Perhaps this is why the state of California is running a deficit budget... inefficiency! Lord knows the state has the money, but it apparently squanders "our" funds as fast as they collect the money.

The other lesson I had verified was the fact that the "Fear of Loss" is one of the most powerful motivators for people to take action. After the calculated taxes, our win netted $1,800, which would have provided $75 for each team member. Most of the team members wanted to let the money roll into more chances, and a few people wanted to take the cash. We gave everyone the option for taking their payment. However, when the few people who were contemplating the payout saw that the pool they were about to opt out of would be playing several hundred chances in two large lotteries, they decided to go with the flow and allow their money to play with everyone else. Hey, I make no bones about it, I would HATE to drop out of a pool and then have the pool win a big one. So, I have the same "fear of loss" psyche like everyone else. I admit it - I'm human.

This "fear" factor is also the reason that the XzottoLotto Alliance will have one of the best retention rates of any MLM company that I have ever seen. This is by design. While I put the business plan together for Xzotto, I did test marketing in two major cities in Texas - Dallas and Houston. If players know that they are going to have chances to share in a multi-million dollar jackpot for which they don't have to pay, then they are going to stay in the game.

Life is a numbers game, as is the lottery. The power of numbers are in our favor to create more winners and players who win every drawing. And, many will make much money by building a sales team marketing our unique, lottery team management software - Xzotto. So, if you happen to want to join a team of winners, don't just play to win... Plan to Win! Join our winning team.

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This Xzotto Blog will discuss "numbers" in various forms and how numbers relate to our lives in general. However, the focus of the blog will be Lottery and how MLM can assist with increasing players' chances to win a share of a multi-million dollar lottery. Numbers are powerful and through The Lottery Alliance Blog I hope to illustrate how the Power of Numbers can be utilized to benefit our members and guests who choose to leverage their lottery dollars to win a little bit of something every drawing, rather than get 100 percent of nothing, which is what most people receive whenever they play the lottery by themselves. Life is a numbers game and there are specific steps people can take to win. The Lottery Alliance Blog will discuss news about Lottery, the power of numbers and geometric progression in Network Marketing / MLM, and invites its readers to comment and pose questions about the topics discussed in this forum.

Numbers are very important to all of us. During each 24-hour period of our life cycle, we become 86,400 seconds older. Each year, Earth orbits the Sun at an average distance of about 150 million kilometers every 365 days . Your heart pulses, on average, 72 beats per minute, and during a 66-to-70 year life span, your heart will beat more than 2.5 billion times as it pumps 5-to-6 quarts of blood through your body. Those life-sustaining blood vessels, if laid end to end, would wrap around the earth twice, a distance of approximately 100,000 kilometers.

Chances are good that if your heart misses too many of those 72 beats per minute or your body temperature strays too far above or below 98.6 degrees, then YOUR NUMBER will be up, and your next pertinent number will be SIX, as in 6-feet under. I hear you - you're going to be cremated and have friends and loved ones spread your ashes into the 4 winds or disseminated into a stream or ocean. OK, the numbers that now pertain to your life, or rather, death in this particular instance will be regulated by an industrial furnace generating temperatures of 870–980°C (1600–1800°F) to ensure disintegration of your body so you can mingle with the winds and and water (H2O) that covers 71 percent of the Earth's surface, an area of some 361 million square kilometers.

Numbers are essential to life... and death. God even inspired the Book of Numbers in the Holy Bible, which by the way, pertains indirectly to MLM because the Book of Numbers deals with the tribes of Israel and genealogy. Those of you who know and understand the geometric progression of network marketing will appreciate the tracking of your genealogical family of MLM business members. There are many other references in the Bible and other literature that we will discusss in the future on The Lottery Alliance Blog that also pertain to MLM.

For now, suffice it to say the Numbers ARE Important... ESSENTIAL to our lives and I invite you to share any aspect of your life that has absolutely nothing to do with numbers. Don't stay up burning the midnight (12:00) oil thinking too hard with your one brain and using your millions of cells reading with your two eyes to figure what does not pertain to numbers. Everything is linked in some form or fashion to numbers. It would be better for you to concentrate on how we can work together to increase the amount in your checking account by increasing our chances to win the lottery. The numerological odds are long, but they are finite.

With the internet, computer technology and genealogical, geometric progression, we will step you through a proven and profitable system to increase the numbers in your bank account, along with the number of friends and business associates who share your aspirations.

For now, at 10:35 am PST, my number is up with writing on this blog for today because the clock is ticking, you and I have a number of things to do during this 24-hour life-cycle on 01/13/09 and this diatribe is long enough with 692 words. Tempus fugit... Carpe diem